Alessandra Menesini

scultura in acciaio

Steel water

Algae, larvae, protozoa. Microscopic organisms, negligible existences, magnified in the steel sculptures of Andrea Forges Davanzati who investigates the strange beauty of paramecium that move by blinking, of diatoms as old as the world, of ciliates oscillating swimmers.
Creatures of water, who from steel take strength and luster and a kind of warrior soul. Rational as a mathematician, erudite as an entomologist, and an expert metal wielder, Forges Davanzati makes visible unknown and complex unicellular forms, enlarged to a Gulliverian scale.
Sculptures to be touched and made to vibrate, which beneath their stainless skin, beneath the scientific relations of modules and sections with which they are made, retain the mobility of the dark and resistant races to which they are dedicated.
Praise to the lepidopteran chrysalis, the chrysomelid nymphs, the mosquito pupae, the talent of a tricopter adept at constructing a cocoon of timbers as firm as a garret.
For these minimal beings – denizens of puddles, builders of filaments – Andrea Forges Davanzati renounces the hard backbone of steel and chooses the ductile nobility of bronze and silver.
Having secured for the very humble the hardened armor of metals, Forges Davanzati – who in 2003 housed immense and technological limuli ( Horse shoe crab ) in the Elephant Tower in Cagliari – forges kinetic sculptures with the Patterns of sea potatoes.
Chosen one by one on the shorelines in strenuous patrols and then arranged in a swirling pattern inside oak boxes and degrading and symmetrical, perfect as pearls, in the long frieze of a wooden panel. Compact, spherical and treated so that they retain their mellow texture, their sauce-like consistency after who knows how much rolling on the beaches of all the seas. Daughters of water, too, but now dry and desiccated, to say of Andrea Forges Davanzati’s attention to nature, his ability to see
poetry, and a great cosmic harmony, in the watery little creatures miraculously created by his talent as an artist.

Alessandra Menesini